Birch – Adventurers

Teacher: Mrs Madeley

Curriculum Overview

Teaching and learning in the Birch Class at Swanton Morley VC Primary School follows the National Curriculum programme of study for Key Stage 2. Further information about the National Curriculum in Key Stage 2 can be found on the Department for Education website.

The majority of subject learning in year four is taught in cross-curricular themes through our ‘Learning Means The World’ curriculum’ (LMTW).  Year four follow the ‘Adventurers 2’ pathway through the 4Cs that this globally-focused curriculum is built around, the key themes being: Conflict, Communication, Culture and Conservation.

Some subjects however, although incorporated in breadth of this curriculum, are taught individually to ensure complete coverage of the National Curriculum.  These subjects are Maths, English, Religious Education (RE), Physical education (PE) and Modern Foreign Languages (MFL).



The ‘what I should know’ (WHISK) sheets for each of this year’s ‘Learning Means The World’ themes for Birch Class are listed below.  Each PDF contains a summary overview of what we will be studying.

Lightning Speed | Saxon King | Law and Order | Cry Freedom

May the Force Be With You | Picture Our Planet | Viking Warrior

Timetable 2023-2024

Below is the class timetable in PDF format for Birch Class