School Organisation

[toggle title=”Primary School Structure” state=”opened”]

Children begin in the Reception class or Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and then progress through six further years of education, following the National Curriculum, from Year 1 to Year 6. The first two years (Year 1 and Year 2) make up Key Stage 1 and the following four years (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5 and Year 6) make up Key Stage 2.

The majority of pupils who leave at the end of Key Stage 2 transfer to one of the two Dereham high schools, either Neatherd or Northgate; a small number children move on to high schools in Litcham and Reepham.

[toggle title=”Admissions Policy “]

Our admissions proceedure follows Norfolk County Council policy.

For those children being admitted into Reception Class (Early Years Foundation Stage) the aim is for their start/transition to be a happy one, whether from home, nursey or playgroup. Our school is friendly and welcoming and all prospective new entrants make several phased visits prior to joining us.

All schools have a limit to the number of pupils they are able to admit. In the unlikely event of oversubscription Norfolk County Council has issued the following criteria to assess priority in new admissions to schools. Consideration will be given to:

  • Children for whom their Statement of Special Educational Needs names that school
  • Children who reside within the designated area and…
    (i) have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission
    (ii) have no sibling connection with the school
  • Children who reside outside the designated area and…
    (i) have a sibling attending the school at the time of their admission
    (ii) have no sibling connection with the school

The full Swanton Morley School Admissions Policy* can be downloaded from the Policies page.

*Please note – Applications for admission to all Norfolk primary and secondary schools must be made through the local authority’s admissions department.

If you have any concerns, do not hesitate to contact the school and talk to us about them, we will always do our upmost to help.


[toggle title=”Class Organisation “]

All children are in the care of a class teacher who has overall responsibility for their well being, and in most classes there will also be a teaching assistant to further support learning and pastoral care. We currently have the children arranged into six classes: single age (year group) reception and year 6 classes, plus four mixed-age classes covering years 1 through to 5.  We currently have the children arranged into six classes: single age (year group) reception and year 6 classes, plus four mixed-age classes covering years 1 through to 5.

[toggle title=”The School Day “]

We like our pupils to be keen and punctual but hopefully not too early in the morning! School begins with registration at 8.55am. The gates are opened at 8.45am and children should not arrive before this time. There is a fifteen minute morning break at 10.45am for all children.  Key stage one also have a short break in the afternoon. Lunchtime is from 12.15pm to 1.15pm for all years.

At the end of the school day all children are dismissed from the main (key stage two) playground at 3.15pm for all children. Parents are asked to wait for their children on the playground and to notify school office prior to anyone other than a parent or guardian collecting.

[toggle title=”School Uniform”]

Children attending Swanton Morley VC Primary School are all expected to wear a uniform that conforms with the requirements listed in the Uniform Policy.

All of our uniform, along with book bags, coats and other optional items can be purchased from Birds of Dereham.

[toggle title=”School Lunches”]

All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free school meal. For the other children (those in key stage two) hot meals are available to purchase.

Menus and further information can be downloaded from the NORSE website.

This Weeks School Dinner Menu

All children in Reception and Key Stage 1 are provided with free portions of fruit every day at break and therefore do not need to bring money or a snack from home. Add…Older children can bring in a healthy snack from home to consume at break.
